Soundcloud robbwindow story 1st draft

Trapped in an unidentified building 

by robbwindow. 

March 2015 fiction, anxiety, sci- fi

Time 39.20 secs this is a first draft of a story from a thought in unconsciousness that follows a them of anxiety and being trapped in a familiar area. The problems come one after the other and the experience of an area changes as the experience unfolds. An eventful story not to be missed or forgotten. The story includes science fiction jargon, but keeps to a simple and interesting story. An exploration of anxiety and how far fetched things can become from one misjudgement. If you have time and this sounds interesting, have a listen and lead some creative feedback below. t would be nice to see something like this into a screenplay, short video or included in a popular TV genre. If interested leave your suggestions over on Soundcloud. And if you have listened, thanks for listening.

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