T his Christmas in Hyde Park the fair was out standing. The spirit of Christmas began in a colourful format. The rides on display were very good. This is my favourite picture of the rides. I call this one Sleigh Rides because as you can see is also the name of the ride. I took this picture Mid December. Please if you decide to copy this picture please credit me with a link at least back to it's source here. This image reminds me of the penultimate area of this transformation of Hyde Park. Do you think it looks a bit like Las Vegas? Maybe just a little? Well it is Hyde Park and it was taken not long after the image above. The focus is not as good however it is again I think a good photograph. T his image is of the Ghost train, and on that note I think I shall end the blog here, these photographs were all taken on the same day and the images are very clear. My favourite images of the three have been posted in both small and large sizes. These images ar...